There was a record 1.2 million people who used hallucinogenic drugs in 2010. A survey done in 2011 had results of 22.6 million people over the age of 12 who said they had used illicit drugs during the month prior to taking the survey. That is a lot of people using drugs. In Houston, businesses are trying to lower their risk of losing business privilege or getting a non compliance fine by implementing the random on the job drug test Houston. Many businesses are looking for a good drug free workplace program to go along with their drug free workplace policy.
The United States Department of Labor says that 20 percent of the American workforce have had to redo the work that a co worker did while under the influence at work. Workers complain of being put into danger or being injured because of alcohol abuse on the job. A drug test Houston can help solve the problem of intoxicated workers on the job. Drinking while on the job is a huge problem in the United States. In fact, each year, 571 million work days are lost because of people calling in sick because of alcohol abuse. A drug test Houston can help lower the number of lost work days for people also doing drugs. Drug testing Houston can be done on the job site. There are some really good companies that can provide solutions for drug testing in Houston.
A drug test Houston should also be available for the part time job holder. Out of all the part time job holders in the United States, 11.5 percent of them are regularly using drugs. Do you know how many people go to work high on drugs? It is a huge problem and implementing a drug test Houston is the best solution. You don’t have to send the employee to get lab tests houston. The business owner can now do on site drug screening Houston.
When an employer requires a drug test Houston they begin to experience a 51 percent reduction of workplace injuries. Look for a company that administers a drug test Houston that complies with Federal Drug Free Workplace Testing guidelines and state regulations. Having a company do your drug test Houston on the job site will save your company downtime and a loss of productivity. Look for the drug test Houston results to be handled in the most prompt and professional manner by experienced companies that administer the on the job drug test Houston.