If you were considering the idea of HIPAA texting for your medical facility, but you would like to know a little more about the big picture, the first thing that you should realize is that the concept of Title I under HIPAA is meant to provide continuing health insurance coverage for workers who have lost their jobs; meaning that the concept of HIPAA goes far beyond the idea or merely secure texting. Of course, HIPAA texting does fall into one of its grand missions which is to standardize information across all healthcare channels from provider to provider. By utilizing top shelf healthcare mobile apps, you can be certain that your HIPAA text messaging program will perform as it should.
There is nothing more important to the concept of secure HIPAA texting than making it just as safe for a BYOD program as it is with company owned devices and this presents one of the biggest growing concerns for healthcare professionals today. To this effect, every medical establishment might have different ideas and conclusions about the plausible threats that could be posed by PHI texting and as such, each must evaluate their HIPAA texting program accordingly. By taking the time to understand how to incorporate a safe program for medical text messaging, you will be able to have a much more communicative business.
President Obama signed the Hitech Act into effect back in 2009 which gave $27 billion USD of incentives exclusively for the use of upgrading and keeping better digital health records and in many ways, the Hipaa texting program is part of this measure. This is because the use of secure text messaging and other mobile healthcare apps are meant not only for the safe transfer of information, but for storage as well. Having a complex program in place will keep all of your information coveted.
The way secure text messaging works involved the encryption of data once a text is sent. This data stays encrypted until the recipient opens the text. The only time that the information is not scrambled is when it is being viewed, which keeps it away from prying eyes.
Ultimately, you will find that using such a system in your establishment can help make your staff more efficient. When you are in the business of healing the sick and saving lives, efficiency is key. You will surely see the difference once the transfer of information is instantaneous.
For more information, read this website: www.iqmax.com